BEN 10,000

Intergalactic Superhero.

Leader of #TITANS.

Hero of Heroes.

It all began at the age of 10, stumbling across an alien device that attached itself upon his wrist.

Then, it became the source of wanton strifes and in some cases: the bane of worlds, civilizations' end.

Now, it exists as the bridging gap, the emerald beacon of all species who call the Multiverse home.

Worn by that same ten-year old, aged over the years and tempered like steel he was, into a gallant warrior for Omniversal Peace.

As opposed to Ben Prime and Canon, my particular rendition of Ben 10,000 :

In his Mid Twenties.
1,000,912+ Aliens currently exist within his directory, all available for use.
Still has access to Master Control.
Figuring it best to be placed in the hands of an actual 'Hero', @STRAWHATPIRACY, granted Ben the mystical hammer: MJOLNIR!
Could employ functions of the older Omnitrix models / prototypes, such as the Unitrix, in order to scan Earth animals, yet he doesn't.
His scanning of the DEMON DNA via @SevenDjinns is due to the writer's AU. Divergent from the Magi Series', Sinbad makes a Blood Contract with the actual Demons from the Ars Goetia instead of their likenesses.

Boros Species@HaiIBoros
Mobian / "WHIPLASH"@ScourgeOfMobius

The following transformations were scanned via Sinbad, a proficient user of "Djinn Equips!" A power that allows one to use their body as a catalyst, hailing these 'Djinns' to take form within it, closely resembling what Ben does with the Omnitrix!

So far, Tennyson has obtained the following Djinn:

BA'AL, "THOR" ( inspired by THOR )

FOCALOR, "ZEPHYR" ( inspired by WENDY )





#EXHIBITUS ( 1 ): Debut. This skirmish ends in the Multiverse's full-conversion to the dastardly Black Lanterns. A different Multiverse is then sought after, moving away from this perilous situation... or so they thought.
#GRUDGEMATCH: Slixx Vigma makes a return to force the Galaxy's Fighters into participating in yet another gruesome tournament. This is where he scanned @HEROICSTARS.
#TITANSFOREVER: First introduction of Multiversal Villains, under his leadership of the #TITANS collective. This is where the BIOMNITRIX was created.
#ANIMOKINGDOM: Dr. Animo succeeds in mutating the world with DNA collected from Ben's every alien.
#RISEOFKNULL: Off-World during this event.
#FORTHESTONES ( 2 ): Cracking down on a cult, enslaving / sacrificing the population of Mars, disastrous results ensue after the discovery of the INFINITY STONES! This event concludes with Ben's entrapment within his own Omnitrix after the transformation into a new alien.
#HEAVENVSHUMANITY: Freed from the Omnitrix after several months, 10K is a spectator to the final spectacle to save Humanity's hide, occurring between @STRAWHATPIRACY & @SeventhofKonoha versus. Hercules!
#TIMEVOYAGE ( 1 ): Alternate Timeline visit, where Ben Tennyson is seen as a ruthless pirate and Scourge of the Seas: " KING OF BEASTS! "
#MVRAGNAROK / #MVWAR / #EXHIBITUS ( 2 ): Mourning STEVEN's death at the hands of @HellsFantasies and faced with the resurfacing of #EXHIBITUS' unsolved issue, the Hero of Heroes is left with no choice other than to become GALACTUS' herald! Finally bearing the power to absolve his past blunder, this event concludes in the Black Lantern-infested Multiverse's eradication, as Ben selflessly sacrificed himself.
#DISTOLOGY: Chaos meets the Multiverse once more, this time, with the additional trouble of lost artifacts. 10K is lost in the pit of 'GOURMET WORLD', battling powerful entities such as: REDACTED and GOD! With the help of TORIKO, he is able to finally cook and eat the dish of miracles!
#10KTAG: Classic Tag Tournament. HARLEY QUINN stands as its' victor.
#TIMEVOYAGE ( 2 ): Alternate Timeline visit, where Ben Tennyson is seen as the egotistical, futuristic tyrant; " STARKILLER, LORD KRONOS! " who commands the oppressive #TITANS legion! Eventually, the reign of Emperor is passed onto ALICE, after the interference of NONO and others, concluding in the Despot's death.
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#ANIMOWORLD: By the order of MERUEM, Dr. Animo is liberated from the Plumbers' Containment Facility.
As vengeful as ever with his crowned creation; THE MUTATION RAY, Animo follows the plan to lure and ensnare Ben 10,000 accordingly, siphoning his DNA and mutating the Earth once again with the captive's bountiful mix of fusions.

Stored in the eternal ice of Cocytus, 10,000 awaits a rescue at the hands of his Main Team, unknowingly garnering the attention of 'SATAN' who would exist as a formidable obstacle in their escape.

A hard fought battle ensues and with undying perseverance in the face of Evil's Embodiment, Tennyson emerges victorious! Incarcerating Hell's Lord and the #HIVE remnants within the Null Void.

#TIMEVOYAGE ( 3 ): Alternate Timeline visit, spurred into creation by THANOS's meddling of the ( formerly destroyed ) Infinity Stones. Envisioning Ben 10,000 as his Desperado Counterpart; " BENNY THE KIDD. "
Aside the temporal disturbance, the Main Continuity is hit with much of the same. Displacing Tennyson into space, during #HIVE's successful raid throughout New York! Putting the heroes of #TITANS in a tight spot without their Champion!

#GAMEOFTHIEVES: Months after NONO begins the search for 10,000, she miraculously manages to find her Leader stranded along a desert-like planet. Not too far away from trouble, either, as a #HIVE Scout is sent on a mission opposite from Nono's: To eliminate the Biomnitrix-Wielder!
One thing leads to another, explosively-opening a rift between dimensions and depositing Benjamin into the realm of C.V.U ( Comic Verse United ), plagued by spatial anomaly! Unknowingly, what welcomes his landing at the other side is DARKSEID, in the center of his Superhero-Cloning Factory!

The skirmish ultimately ends in the Hero's assumed win, stalling the Apokoliptan long enough for his enslaved captives to incite a suicidal revolt. Although, not before entrusting 10K with the mysterious 'MOTHERBOX' and much to his chagrin, parting ways.

#WAROFEQUITY: Overcome with the need to help, Tennyson calls for a meeting with #TITANS' remnants per his return. In the foyer of the destroyed tower, the remainder is caught up to speed with recent and future events, preparing for an inevitable battle with Darkseid, subsequent to the sending of a supportive message towards that faraway dimension of CVU.
#FTSPRELUDE: MAJIN BUU RETURNS! This time, putting the heroes ( and villains ) of CVU in a rough predicament! "FIND THE INFINITY STONES, OR BE SLAUGHTERED," his ultimatum proclaims! Laying the groundwork for yet another struggle for the powerful gems.

Moreover, Ben misses this grand announcement by a hair's breadth and touches down in Egypt. MOTHERBOX-tampering renders him stuck for a while until blitzed by the vengeful SHADOW THE HEDGEHOF, who becomes the Bearer of the EXHIBITUS STONE through mishap.

And to no one's surprise, crisis becomes the Omniverse!

Multiverse and Merged Comic Verses alike fall under bedlam as the search #FORTHESTONES ( 3 ) begins! Through assisted travel, Ben encounters the likes of RED HOOD & THE OUTLAWS, BUU himself, and VILGAX! The third of which, responsible for the deaths of countless friends and family!
Tennyson's grief-filled rampage unfortunately sees no proper conclusion. As during the would-be fight to the death with longtime Nemesis, REINHARD and Company step onto the battlefield! Therein ensues a minor scuffle with the esoteric troupe to retain one's life, soon losing the attendance of one slippery Chimeran.

Along the way, 10,000 is given transcendent ability by the enemy; to call upon the powers of his slain comrades, all in the name of a good fight! However, without the knowledge on how to use such to its' fullest extent, he is but a fledgling with much to grow under order of the departing GOLDEN BEAST.

#ASGARDASUNDER: After emerging short-handed from the otherworldly chaos for Infinity Gems, LOKI turns to the Cosmic Cube for rectification! By these ill-acquired gains, altering the Earth's very landscape post the defeat of his brother: THOR! Every continent, reconstructed to fit the standards of his Norse-inspired world!
Behind the scenes, Ben 10,000 is attacked by Parallax, the Embodiment of Fear! Transfigured into an Agent of Fear, spreading such throughout the Multiverse, in his heated pursuit of Vilgax! After brutally-interrogating his genetic clone; ALBEDO, he'd be set on a course for destruction, massacring the populace of Vilgaxia along the way, in his attempt to meet the Tyrant in vengeful combat.

Tennyson's Trail of Terror seemingly knows no sort of end, attaining conclusion only through the poorly-advised decision to bring down the SOURCE WALL and bleed the current Multiverse into a span of endless worlds, endless potential . . . THE OMNIVERSE!

#FORTHESTONES ( 3 ) REVISIT: 10K's death at the hands of Omniversal Emergence spurs a rise in action within one TIMEWALKER Enlisting in the aid of Ben Prime to revisit the pivotal moment before 10,000's fall from grace and take down the joint nuisance: Buugax!
#ASGARDASUNDER REVISIT: Timelines fixed, meeting results much more favorable than the alternative; a glowing rift raises before the assembled #TITANS, both newly-revived and not! Leading the network onto its' next journey -- uniting alongside the Factions of the Omniverse ( #UNIVERSE, #ALLSTARS, #CVU ) in the fight to dethrone KING LOKI!
#OMNIVERSUS: Off-World, Ben leaves his teammates with a recorded message, informing them of a friendly tournament occurring between factions.